Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ok.. I can't believe that I've had this blog for 3 days and have not put anything down about Oprah! I've been a huge fan of hers for a really long time... and thanks to my amazing little sis, I actually got to go see her this year! (It was the one with Montel Williams...really good!!) 
Anyways, I love her show, so Tivo it if you don't already... you will learn SO much :)  I also think she has a great website! When I was working, and in my car alot, I would actually download and listen to her Soul Series, which are a series of spirtual based interviews that she does for her radio station. (Radio gets old, and I can only call so many people!) Anyways, they are really interesting, so in case you're interested, here is the link: Soul Series Webcast

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