Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't Chow... Especially Not Late Night!

This is, honest to God, the best advice I can give anyone who wants to either lose or maintain their weight. I don't care whether it is the healthiest meal in the world... if you polish off 4 plain chicken breasts and 3 heads of broccoli in one sitting, you are probably gonna gain weight. You are expanding your stomach and expanding what your stomach is going to expect everytime you sit down to eat. Seriously, 6 small meals a day. That's the easiest way to do it! This doesn't mean you only eat snack food all day, it just means if you get a salad (or any restaurant meal) or, if you make dinner, take some home with you or save some leftovers, and have the rest for one of your "small meals!" 
I am honestly eating (grazing) ALL DAY (especially when I'm home... bored...) I can't not! But its not like every hour I sit down to a thanksgiving dinner! I'm pretty health-conscious, so I'll have some bites of a salad or some of last night's dinner, or half a whole wheat pita and hummus... One thing I always have with me is nuts! They are really filling, satisfying, and healthy for you! But honestly, even if your gonna go get Taco Bell, have the kiddie size nachos, or one small soft taco. Don't be like my husband and get 5 different items off the menu! (Sorry Matt)
If you really want to chow? Do it for breakfast or lunch if you can manage... At least that way you'll burn off more cals before you go to bed. That leads into my other suggestion... Stop eating & drinking 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed. It's not brain science why that works, but as a side note, think about what you DO crave before you go to bed, odds are its got some sugar in it.This is because the more tired you are, the more you crave carbs. Eating sugary crap and then going to bed is the worst thing you could honestly do. (In my opinion...)  :)

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