Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So, I've found that I am on an insatiable quest to learn and try new things. I've always found myself to be the "resource" that people go to when they want an answer. Been there, done that, or I will find a way to help you out, whether it be giving advice, finding a resource, etc...
I'm also always sending out emails to my poor family and friends trying to get them hooked on the new book, idea, etc... that I've discovered. Problem is, that I've had to restrict myself from annoying the s&!# out of them... That's where the idea for this blog came into action. I figured that I could log on everyday, say my peace, and they can choose whether or not to view :)
For those of you that don't know me, just remember that I am the furthest thing from an expert on any of these topics so please don't take my word as anything other than an opinion or a personal account/experience. 

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