Friday, April 17, 2009


"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being." 

I am a very strong believer in gratitude. You'll hear me talk about it alot on this blog... 
It is so important that we live our lives in gratitude because regardless of the situation, (or the person) there is always something to be grateful for. I actually have a gratitude journal that is both on paper and in my mind. Every night, before I go to bed I think of 5 things that I can be grateful for that day. Some days it is MUCH harder than others... but even something so simple as a kind gesture from a stranger needs to be recognized and appreciated. 
The past few nights, my gratitude has been consumed with the positive response I've gotten from this blog. I can't tell you what it means to "expose yourself," (in a way) and to have it be received so graciously. I read the quote by Goethe (above) and it reminded me of you all... you've helped and encouraged me to realize things about myself that I didn't even know existed! So I just wanted to say "thanks!" 
Hope you can continue to find some good stuff in here, and pass along to anyone you think might enjoy as well!

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