Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The 5 Love Languages

In one of my earlier posts, I posted the quote from Captain Corelli's Mandolin, about LOVE. This quote kind of goes hand and hand with a book that I just finished reading called "The Five Love Languages" by Dr. Gary Chapman. I know this book has been around for a while, but I just have to talk about how interesting and TRUE I found it to be. It basically agrees with the fact that love changes with the relationship. You're never going to be in that same "in love/unconscious love/crazy phase" like you were in the beginning. Once that subsides (usually once you're married, but time frames are different for everyone) You need to figure out what language your significant other understands as love. There are 5 different languages; Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, and Words of Affirmation. A great example is in my marriage, I recognize love through Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation. I give love by doing Acts of Service and gift giving. My husband took the test and he recognizes love through Physical Touch (bottom on my list) and Words of Affirmation. So, here I am doing things for him and giving him gifts, thinking I'm showing him love and he is not recognizing it! It's like I'm showing love in French, and he only speaks English! Anways, great book. Quick and easy read and I think that a lot of marriages would benefit. There is also a version for Singles (which I have not read) that I bet would be great too. Here is a link to Dr. Chapman's website: http://www.fivelovelanguages.com/learn.html Also, here is a link to a great quiz that will help you to discover what your love language is: http://www.greaterquest.com/LoveLanguages.asp As with all books, let me know if you decide to read it or if you've already read it and tell me what you think!

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