Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Healthy Food Gone Bad?

If you're like me, you have great intentions on eating your fruits and veggies, but you just don't get around to it as fast as you should, and end up losing $ by throwing them out! 
So, here are a couple of nifty tricks to keep fresh veggies and fruits for a longer period of time: 
  • Make sure your fridge is at a steady temp of 34 degrees
  • Keep ripe apples away from fruit as its lets off a "ripening stimulant" called ethylene
  • Stick a dry sponge in the fruit/veggie drawer to soak up excess moisture
  • Peel & cut fruit, if you can, and roll in lemon juice OR 1qt. water with 1tbsp salt OR 2 crushed vitamin C pills... whatever is most convenient for you
  • All else fails, you can try out those green produce bags (https://www.greenbags.com/) They're pretty affordable and appear to be pretty effective! 

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