Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cool Keyboard Shortcuts

There are all kinds of shortcuts that I bet you didn't even realize you had access to on your keyboard! Here are a few common ones: (These are for Windows, not sure if they work for Mac's or any other set up?)
  • Alt + Tab (Toggle): This allows you to alternate between programs that you currently have up and running on your computer. Keep pressing Tab to choose.
  • Ctrl + N: Opens a new browser window
  • Ctrl + W: Close Window
  • Ctrl + C: Copy
  • Ctrl + X: Cut
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  • Ctrl + B: Bold
  • Ctrl + I: Italic
  • Ctrl + U: Underline
And here are some you may not have heard of:
  • F6 or Alt + D: Selects the address field in your browser, ready for entry
  • F2: Rename Files
  • F3: Search in your current browser & desktop
  • F5: Refresh
  • Alt + Enter: Brings up items properties
  • Shift + Delete: Deletes item totally, not just to Recycle Bin
  • Ctrl + Esc: Gives Start Menu (if you don't have a Windows Key like me)
  • Ctrl + F4: Close window within application
  • Ctrl + D: Add to Favorites
  • Ctrl + F: Find in page
What are some of your favorites???

Also, did you know that you can actually download a program (called AutoHotkey) that allows you to name your own shortcuts? Yep, you can name up to 200 shortcuts! Here's the link: 

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