Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Success Quotes

Here are some great success quotes for a little "midweek inspiration."

"Success is a state of mind. 
If you want success, start thinking 
of yourself as a success." 
Dr. Joyce Brothers

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, 
is not an act but a habit.


In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.
Author Unknown

You are never a loser until you quit trying.
Mike Ditka

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What To Do When Disaster Strikes

I got this from the Oprah website and I thought I'd share...
It's some great suggestions and thoughts on what to do when disaster strikes written by Amanda Ripley, the author for the book "The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes- And Why" 
(May make you think twice about taking that window seat...)

      1. We are almost always our own first responders because official help cannot arrive quickly enough.

2. People think that if you're in a plane crash you're doomed, but between 1983 and 2000, 56 percent of passengers in serious crashes lived. Those who have an aisle seat and read the air safety cards are the most likely to survive.

3. The biggest misconception about catastrophes is that people panic. More often, our reactions slow down, even stop. After the planes hit the
World Trade Center, hundreds of workers turned off their computers and cleaned up their desks. The average time before evacuating was six minutes. You have to move—and move quickly. 

4. People may be most afraid of terrorists and freak viruses, but fire, floods, and lightning are the disasters to prepare for—to practice for. 

5. Do every fire drill. Have the muscle memory of how to do things under extreme stress. 

Texting Some Love Your Way

I found this great site that will send you SMS messages (texts) on whatever topic interests you, whenever you want it to! It's

I always love getting some "random inspiration"... especially when I'm having a tougher than usual day. So, I get the "inspirational quotes" sent to me at 9AM every morning.
You could also get "diet tips" sent to you at around 11 or 12, right before lunch, so you think twice about your lunch choices. You could get daily weather alerts sent to you like an hour before you leave for work, so you make sure you're appropriately dressed...OR, if you're like my husband, and for some reason, you find baseball exciting (haha) you can get a text sent to you with MLB updates (if someone got traded or something)

Another cool thing you can do with this, if you don't necessarily want the daily text, is to use it as a resource. Once you sign up, (which solely involves registering your phone # with them) you can text virtually anything to their # (44636) and get a response. Like, if you are on the road and you need a phone number, text the business name and city to 44636 and they'll text you back with all the information you need. OR you can text them your astrological sign and they'll text you back with your daily horoscope! You can do this for every option (news, living well tips, weather, etc...) Might be kinda fun to do while sitting in a waiting room or something....

If you're so popular that you get too many texts already, than you can disregard this, but if not, I'd highly recommend at least checking it out. There isn't any spam and you don't get anything other than the text that you request. You can also cancel anytime-

Monday, May 11, 2009


Check out this site:
It donates 10 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program for answering a vocabulary question correctly! How fun is that? Its like a game, and you get smarter and feed the hungry all at the same time! Check it out!

Text Messaging Shortcuts

If you like texting (like I do) but you feel like you are in a foreign country with the SMS language that some people can use, check out some of these sites for TMS (Text Messaging Shortcuts):
I found these to be very helpful! (I may even try a few out on some of you...) 
At least now, if someone replies to me IHA (I hate abbreviations) or DWB (Don't write back)
I'll prevent myself from getting a reply saying IHU (I hate you) or URSAI (You are such an idiot) 
Which would be nice...

What Have You Given Today?

"As you give so shall you receive"
- St. Francis

Here is a great Q to ask yourself if things are not necessarily going your way:
"What have I given lately?" 

Feeling unloved? Have you been loving to others? 
Feeling unappreciated? Have you shown appreciation for others?
Feeling like you have no friends? Have you been a friend to others?

The basic philosophy is never wrong... "What you withhold from the world, the world will withhold from you." 

So, if you aren't seeing results in a particular situation, whether you choose to be honest with yourself or not, try asking yourself "what am I withholding, or not giving that have created these circumstances for me?"  If you think you're giving all you can, you obviously aren't. It is a basic law of the universe, there's no arguing with it... 

A great example is in your relationships. I know that when I'm not feeling appreciation from somebody, it's because I'm not showing it. So, when I think that my husband doesn't appreciate me, I ask myself, "when was the last time I HONESTLY showed appreciation for him?" There is ALWAYS something to appreciate, to love, to be thankful for. Find it, focus on it, apply it (from the goodness of your heart, insincerity and doing it for selfish reasons get you nowhere) and I guarantee things will turn around for you :) Happy Monday!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Not sure if you've ever heard of Ebates, but it is a great site if you do a lot of online shopping! It's basically online coupons and rebates that are always available, for over 1000 stores!
The way it works is really easy... You just click to whatever site you plan on ordering from, through the Ebates website ( and it gives you a percentage back (anywhere from 1%-20%) on each purchase! You don't have to give a credit card or anything!
Definitely worth it to check it out!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sentimental/Cute Idea

I save just about every card that was ever given or sent to me... If you are the same way, and you have a lot of sentimental cards or notes laying around, turn them into artwork!
You can either cut up the cards/notes and frame them, photocopy them and frame them, or even make some sort of a collage with them!
Either way, if you group a set together and hang them on the wall, it's a great way to display "personalized artwork" and it also allows you read some of your favorite notes everyday rather than store them away in a box somewhere!

(Ps. It's a great gift for Mothers Day...)


I officially took the Myers-Briggs Test  years and years ago... but I recently took an abbreviated version on my Facebook account! It is, hands down, the best personality test out there as far as the length it goes to, to describe your personality type. It is also very helpful in dealing with others, because if you understand what their personality type is, it helps you to understand why they act they way they do, and also how to better "relate" to them.
The real test is quite lengthy, and costs some moola to take, but here is the best "free online one" that I found: 
Here is another site which offers an extensive description on your particular personality type. It covers every aspect of your personality, including your career, relationships, love life, etc...
In case you were curious, I am an ENTJ :) If you take the test, leave a comment and let me know what your type is! (Also let me know how accurate you find it to be)
My type is an ENTJ :)

Swap Your Clothes!

If you're tired of your closet and looking to spruce it up, try doing a clothing swap!
You can host a "clothing swap party" where you have all your girlfriends (and their cute clothes) over, and you swap them up! Here is a great website for the "how-to" on hosting a party like that:
You can swap your clothes online! Here are some great websites to do so:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Personalized Calling "Cards"

Business cards are no longer just for the "business professionals." You can use business/personalized cards now for a variety of reasons... 
  • You can make cards with your personal info on it (address, phone #, children's names, etc...) and stick it in your childs back pocket when you're out and about. That way, if the child gets lost, they can access the card and know how to get ahold of you.
  • You can also just use a card w/ your personal info (and/or childrens info)  on it to hand out to other mothers/friends. That way they know which child belongs to you, and how to reach you via phone or email.
  • Looking for a job? A big trend now is the "resume card." A resume card is basically a brief summary of your work history, your specialty, and your contact information. It's a great thing to have on hand if you're in the job hunt and are at networking events, or even just socializing with friends.
  • You can also use them to promote a specific hobby or talent that you have. Like, if you happen to be great at crafts or cooking, or even babysitting, you could put together a card that allows you to promote that talent!
  • If you relocate, you can have business cards made up with your new address...
  • You can make an "allergy/medication" card for your child to carry with them in their backpack/backpocket.
  • You can make a permanent "gift card" ex/ "A Gift For You... Love, The Smith Family" to use with all of your gifts.

Here are a couple of websites to order your own cards at:
OR you could just go to Kinkos and have some made, or even make them yourself! You can buy the business card paper and print!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Something to Try!?!

If you're like me and you have a hard time waking up in the morning...
Try popping a "Wake Up On Time Energy Pill." I was just reading about it in a magazine while I was hanging out in a waiting room. It's a pill that you take before you go to bed, so you wake up feeling all revitalized and ready to take on the day! I honestly haven't tried it, but I have to admit that I'd be tempted :) Check it out:

For My Girlfriends...

Some of my favorite friendship quotes for some of my favorite friends...
  • "I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends." 
    - Walt Whitman

  • "Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say."
  •  "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same."
  • "A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget..."
  • "How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Litte Car Entertainment...

If you have an ipod, you probably have iTunes set up on your computer...
If you don't, it's really easy to download (Click HERE for the link). Then go to the podcast section, where you'll find a large selection of podcasts. To my knowledge, most of the podcasts are free, and they come in just about any topic that you may have some interest in... so, just download and (if your computer allows it) burn some blank cds to listen to on that fun commute or long car trip! 

Lots of Books and No Bookcase?

Try this decorative and affordable option:
Go to your local hardware store, and pick up some 8" corner braces. You'll need 2 for each stack so plan accordingly...
Then, color coordinate your books (as best as you can) and, using a level, hang your 2 corner braces. Then, stack your color coordinated books on top! It kind of looks like "floating books" or something...
If you have a lot of books, you can do the same thing, covering more wall space... try doing each set of books on different levels or something!
Either way, it can be a decorative and affordable alternative for storing your books!

Sleep Issues?

Here are a few simple solutions for having less sleep related problems the following day:
  • Insomnia? Try some natural techniques... For example, did you know that cherries were really high in melatonin? Melatonin is the same hormone created by your body to regulate sleep patterns. Also, try taking a hot bath... that alone will relax you, however if you could put a little "lavender scented" bubble bath in the tub, you'll get some bonus points, as lavender is known to relax you. Also, try sleeping with a lavender scented eye mask, or even a pillow with a lavender scent to it (you can even buy lavender scented "linen sprays") I actually make my own sleep masks and put some flax seed and lavender in them, which definitely does the trick!
  • Stop the snoring! Try this, stick a tennis ball in a "sewn-in" pocket in the middle of your back. You will then avoid sleeping on your back due to the discomfort, and will wind up on your side, which will stop the noise!
  • Stiff neck? Try "contrast hydrotherapy" in the shower. Blast hot water on your neck for 20 seconds, then alternate to cold for 10 seconds. Do this 3 times, and when you get out of the shower, your body will send the blood back to your skin, resulting in a dilation of blood vessels (and a looser neck!)
  • Puffy eyes? Try black tea! It has tannins in it which help "deflate & tighten" those bags under your eyes. Heat up the tea bag (like you're making tea) to activate the tannins, then stick it in the fridge to cool . Then, stick the bags on your eyes for 10 mins. and voila! you've gotten rid of your puffy eyes!
  • Morning breath? Here's a long lasting solution- Try gargling with acidic lemon juice to kill the bacteria in your mouth, then eat some plain yogurt (a probiotic) which replaces the reeking bacteria and neutralizes your mouth. This lil trick should freshen your breath for about 12-24 hours!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Shadow Box Idea

Here's a cute idea for some original artwork... 
Take a shadow box, you can leave it plain, or decorate the inside however you'd like with decoupage, paint, wallpaper, etc... then place some mini hooks on the back and use them to hold old keys that had some importance to you (ie: old house keys, car keys, even diary keys?) 
It's a cute way to display things from the past, and it'll probably also help you clean out your junk drawer!

Food Saver

So, I got a Food Saver for Christmas this year (I know... so exciting, right?) and I have to tell you, I LOVE it! I use it for everything! I seal up the bags holding bread, chips, cereal, etc.... They stay fresher for so much longer! It's also nice because of its vacuum seal feature. I actually just bought a salmon, and I was able to chop it up into a couple seperate meals, vacuum seal, and freeze them. Now, they'll stay fresh for much longer! You're actually saving money by using this as well, because food doesn't spoil as quickly and also you can buy in bulk, and vacuum seal for a later date!
Here's a link if you want to buy online:
Type in coupon code (B8FC30A) and receive 30% off. You can also receive free shipping on purchases over $100.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Law of Attraction

"You are a living magnet. Whatever you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts."                           -Brian Tracy

It's all about the Law of Attraction...
If all you think about is debt, even if it's finding ways to get out of it, you're still focusing on your current state of lack, and your thoughts and actions will continue to surround you in debt.  Instead focus on ways to prosper. Remember Mother Theresa would never go to an "Anti-War" rally, rather she would be a huge supporter for a "Pro-Peace" one. There is definitely a difference. 
Watch the language you are using in your head, even if you have the best of intentions... Is it "Anti-something?" OR Pro-related?

Nutrition Quiz

Here's a little "nutrition quiz" to give yourself... Is that "health food" you're eating really healthy for you? Just because it's advertised as healthy, definitely doesn't mean it is. Here are some examples:
  • Energy Bars: Before you eat them, flip over the label and check out the calorie/sugar count in that bar. Odds are they have just as many calories (if not) than a Snickers bar, so you might as well hit up the candy aisle! 
  • Salads: Don't get me wrong, I love salads and they CAN be really healthy for you, but you just really have to get it right w/r/t the ingredients and the dressing. In many instances, if you're getting a salad with a lot of cheese, nuts, bacon, avocado, etc... and then dumping over it a high fat/high sugar salad dressing, you'd actually be better off going to Mickey D's for a Cheeseburger! Check out this stat from MSN: Panera's Fuji Apple Chicken Salad (580 cal, 30g of fat) VS. McDonalds Double Cheeseburger (440 cal, 23g of fat) YIKES!
  • Granola: Just flip over the label on boxes of granola and see for yourself. Granola is very high in sugar, fat and calories. Even if it's "low fat," odds are they hiked up the sugar count. 
  • Fruit Juice: This fools a lot of people, even if you think you're drinking "all natural/organic, etc..." Fruit juice is still just as bad as drinking pop, it's essentially "water and sugar." Check out this article from the CBS website:
  • Yogurt: Again, look at the label. There are some yogurts that actually are good for you, but even if they say they're "low fat," odds are, there is a ton of sugar in the jams or the flavoring.  The best thing to do would be to get a low fat plain yogurt and mix in fresh fruit (or whatever other "items" you like in your yogurt)
Anything in moderation is ok, but odds are, if you're thinking you're "eating healthy" by consuming certain foods, odds are that you aren't treating them as a "fun little treat that you can eat once in a while," you're making them a daily habit. 
Example? How many of you are thinking you're being really healthy by eating flavored yogurt with granola and a big tall glass of fruit juice for breakfast, and then saving that energy bar as a mid-day snack before you head to Panera for that salad? Yeah... that's what I thought ;)

Ruminations on Bon Jovi....

I would not want to be trapped in a dangerous situation with Bon Jovi. “It doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not? Right… listen Jon, why don’t you stay here then and I’ll go get some help.”

(Aaron Karo ruminating on one of my first loves, Bon Jovi... had to post) 
Happy Monday!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Decorative Wall Decals

If you're looking for something fun to do with a blank wall, try some cool wall decals! They're great if you're renting and can't paint, if you're looking for affordable artwork, or if you're like me and you just hate hanging pictures! 
These are some of my favorite sites for ordering them (that all also have a section for designing your own wall decal):
If you want to try and make your own wall art or decal, I've found some information that suggests using contact paper, and stenciling/cutting your design out of that!

Free Shipping!

Here's a great website to check with before you order anything online:
It basically gives you coupon codes to get free shipping at around 1500 stores!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Here's a couple "natural" hangover cures!
  • For the nausea, try a technique stemming from acupuncture. Take 2-3 fingers to the underside of your wrist just below the top crease. Just below where the fingers end, use pressure on both arms, and the nausea should disappear within 10-30 seconds. You can also buy products to do this for you, called nausea bands. This is the one that I use:
  • Also, for the nausea, try ginger root! You can try it in a variety of forms, including tea, gum, or even frozen ginger ice chips!
  • For the headache, try magnesium (200-400 mg). It eases that painful throb. Also helpful to start taking it the night before as tends to work better if you use it to prevent hangovers.
  • Also, to prevent a hangover, (before you go to bed) try taking a B-50 Complex. Alcohol depletes the B vitamins that your body needs to break down alcohol. So by taking the vitamins, it will help with the metabolism process. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Mighty Dryer Sheet!

Dryer sheets are definitely not just for the dryer... Here are some other cool uses for that powerful little sheet:
  • They repel mosquitos! Stick a dryer sheet on your patio, in your pocket or even in your golf bag!
  • Eliminate static electricity from your tv and computer screens, and even your clothing!
  • They dissolve soap scum! Scrub the dryer sheet on your showers & bath tubs!
  • Collect pet hairs. Rub a dryer sheet on your couch or rug and watch the hairs disappear!
  • They loosen the grime from your pots & pans, let the sheet soak overnight and watch the gunk wipe away the next morning!
  • Deodorize your trashcans, or shoes or gym bags (Matt...) Stick a dryer sheet in those stinkers!
  • Stick a sheet in your suitcase to get rid of the musty smell when you travel!
  • They also work like a tack cloth, they'll pick up sawdust, and even the dust from your blinds, lampshades, plants, etc...!
So much unrealized potential in those lil guys!

Design Online First!

If you're thinking of painting or redesigning areas of your house, did you know that there are a lot of stores or programs out there that will help you to visualize it online first? For free?

Here are some great ones if you're thinking of painting a room:
Benjamin Moore Personal Color Viewer:
Good Housekeeping Paint Preview:
Here are some good programs for arranging a room:
Better Homes & Gardens Arrange A Room:
Here's both: 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reusable Bags

This image should say it all... It is astonishing how many plastic bags we have already used this year! Check out the counter at the top of this site:
At the time of this post, we have already used about 152,992,153,419 bags this year!! The number grows at about 1 millions bags per minute!!
A couple of facts from
  • Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic bags mistaken for food.

  • Plastic bags don't biodegrade, they photodegrade - breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways and entering the food web when animals accidentally ingest.
  • One thing you can do? Get reusable bags for shopping! You can buy them now at most of the major retailers. I think they run for a dollar or two? Maybe buy a couple each visit and collect them as you go.  Also, here is a coupon for a reusable lunch bag from Whole Foods:
    We all need to do our part!!!

    A Little "Hump Day" Inspiration

    I can't tell you how important it is to not get "sucked in" to all of the negativity that's out there today... if you do, it will paralyze you. 
    Here are some inspirational quotes about looking at the "brighter side" of things, to help get you through to the weekend:
    • It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
      Chinese Proverb

    • That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

    • When one door closes another opens. But often we look so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us.
      Helen Keller

    • Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it

      John Maxwell

    Want to Lose Weight? Try Moving to Alaska!

    This might sound somewhat backwards, but a recent study just came out about a fat that you actually want in your body, called Brown Fat
    Brown fat is present in infants (in their shoulder area), to help keep them warm, and was thought to disappear as you get older, until recently. Researchers have found that if you expose adults to a colder temperature, the brown fat kicks in and converts energy into heat. When in effect, it supposedly has a metabolism there that is 15 times faster than regular "white fat tissue." 
    They've also noticed that leaner people have more brown fat than heavier individuals. I don't want to go into much more detail as I'm bound to either confuse you, or mess up the facts, so check out this article from the Discovery Channel:
    Pretty interesting stuff! 

    Cool Keyboard Shortcuts

    There are all kinds of shortcuts that I bet you didn't even realize you had access to on your keyboard! Here are a few common ones: (These are for Windows, not sure if they work for Mac's or any other set up?)
    • Alt + Tab (Toggle): This allows you to alternate between programs that you currently have up and running on your computer. Keep pressing Tab to choose.
    • Ctrl + N: Opens a new browser window
    • Ctrl + W: Close Window
    • Ctrl + C: Copy
    • Ctrl + X: Cut
    • Ctrl + V: Paste
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Ctrl + Y: Redo
    • Ctrl + B: Bold
    • Ctrl + I: Italic
    • Ctrl + U: Underline
    And here are some you may not have heard of:
    • F6 or Alt + D: Selects the address field in your browser, ready for entry
    • F2: Rename Files
    • F3: Search in your current browser & desktop
    • F5: Refresh
    • Alt + Enter: Brings up items properties
    • Shift + Delete: Deletes item totally, not just to Recycle Bin
    • Ctrl + Esc: Gives Start Menu (if you don't have a Windows Key like me)
    • Ctrl + F4: Close window within application
    • Ctrl + D: Add to Favorites
    • Ctrl + F: Find in page
    What are some of your favorites???

    Also, did you know that you can actually download a program (called AutoHotkey) that allows you to name your own shortcuts? Yep, you can name up to 200 shortcuts! Here's the link: 

    Happy Earth Day!

    Today is Earth Day and in honor of it, I'm going to post an "Environmental Tip of the Day" on my page. You'll see it on the right if you scroll down a bit... 
    It's always great to find new ways to help out our home!

    Online Coupon Link

    I just saw this on MSN and I thought I'd share, it's a link to a LOT of stores that have online coupons:,ptnrdata=304404&GT1=37003

    Tuesday, April 21, 2009


    Here are a few great online resources to find out more about how many calories you're really consuming and burning each day:

    • Calories Burned Calculator:
    • Nutrition Info, Recipes, Calorie Counter:
    • Fast Food Calories: 


    So those of you that know me, know that I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this series... 
    Summer is coming up and if you're looking for a great book/series to dig into, (and you haven't read it yet...) I'd HIGHLY recommend Twilight. It is the most beautiful and addicting love story that I've read in a long long time... if not ever. 
    The movie isn't bad either, (you can actually download Twilight at,) but I'd definitely watch it after you've read at least the first book as it's not nearly as good as the first book. The new Twilight movie (New Moon) will be coming out this November!
    Also, once you've started reading, check out the authors' website:, it is very interactive, giving details and explanations on each of the 4 books, and you can even read her unfinished book, "Edwards version" of Twilight (called Midnight Sun). (I'd read it after reading the series for sure)
    Hope you enjoy! Please share comments, or let me know if you agree or disagree with me as I love to talk about this book!

    Healthy Food Gone Bad?

    If you're like me, you have great intentions on eating your fruits and veggies, but you just don't get around to it as fast as you should, and end up losing $ by throwing them out! 
    So, here are a couple of nifty tricks to keep fresh veggies and fruits for a longer period of time: 
    • Make sure your fridge is at a steady temp of 34 degrees
    • Keep ripe apples away from fruit as its lets off a "ripening stimulant" called ethylene
    • Stick a dry sponge in the fruit/veggie drawer to soak up excess moisture
    • Peel & cut fruit, if you can, and roll in lemon juice OR 1qt. water with 1tbsp salt OR 2 crushed vitamin C pills... whatever is most convenient for you
    • All else fails, you can try out those green produce bags ( They're pretty affordable and appear to be pretty effective! 

    Borders Members

    Did you know that if you're a member of the Borders Book Club, (Highly recommend, its free) along with receiving great discounts at Borders, you can also get all kinds of other additional little perks as well? Check out their Borders perks site

    Monday, April 20, 2009

    Dude, Where's My Cell Phone?

    If you're like me, and you lose EVERYTHING, including your cell phone... 
    Here is a great website that calls your cell phone for you!

    You just go to the page, enter your phone # and listen for the ring!

    How great is that!?

    Good Monday Quote

    "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could." 
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Isn't that great?! Happy Monday!

    The 100 Most Useful Money Saving Websites...

    My future cousin-in-law Karla, just sent this link to me and I thought it had a lot of good stuff in it,  so I thought I'd pass along!
    Thanks Karla!

    Skin Stuff

    If you are one of the lucky FEW people out there with "flawless skin," then you don't need to bother yourself with the rest of this post....
    If you don't, if you are like me and STILL get the occasional breakout, here is some good advice that I've learned after years and years of dealing with this crap:

    Acne stems from dead skin cells blocking dirt and oil in your pores. So, if you can find a way to "slough" those dead skin cells off of your face, nothing will be blocking the dirt and oil in, right? That's how Proactiv works. But you don't have to spend all that money to produce the same effect. 
    Here's what you do; wash your face with some type of a scrub at least once a day. If you have sensitive skin, go for the mild stuff. My skin is not at all sensitive, so I use the apricot scrub in the shower and I use a facial scrubbing pad to wash my face at the sink. I then use a toner to wipe any excess dirt/oil away (mine is actually a "skin regenerator" too), then use a moisturizer that either A. Is medicated for acne, or B. Encourages skin exfoliation like an Alpha or Beta Hydroxy. 
    ALSO, if you are trying to treat a break-out, and you're finding that your "spot treatment" isn't working, check to see what the main ingredient is. Odds are, it's Salicylic Acid... which is in most of the acne products out there. The best thing I've found? Benzoyl Peroxide products work WAY better. I use it to spot treat, but you can find it in face washes and lotions as well. I actually have a prescription (Duac), but a couple products I'd recommend? Panoxyl, Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask. I use this as a mask at "certain times of the month" when breakouts are more apt to happen... and it totally helps! Also, for spot treatment (over the counter) Try Persa-Gel or Neutrogena On-the-Spot. One more thing with the spot treatment? Don't use it lightly... coat it on the affected area. Really works! 
    Hope this is of use to someone!!!

    Be a Smart Shopper!

    In the rare occasion that you're actually heading to the stores with something specific in mind, make sure that you do a little price comparison before you get there. There are a ton of great sites out there that allow you to type in the product or product category, and find out where you can get the best "bang for your buck." Here are a few: 
    Also, most larger stores have some type of a price matching guarantee, meaning that if you find a lower price anywhere else, they'll match that price for you. Smaller stores may not have the guarantee, but will most likely be willing to work with you to make the sale. So, print off the ad for the lowest price and take it with you to the store you'd like to buy the product from (if it isn't the same) and odds are, you will be able to get the price you want. 

    Sunday, April 19, 2009

    In Honor of Dugan...

    Dugan was my family dog, our "little man of the house" until Randall came along :) 
    He was a golden retriever (best breed ever!) that we unfortunately lost last July...
    One of the hardest days of my life! 
    Anyways, I know now that he is my angel, so in honor of him, here are a few of my favorite "dog quotes" that any dog lover can appreciate:
    • Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
      Roger Caras

    • My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. 
      -- Author Unknown
    • To err is human, to forgive, canine.
      -- Author Unknown
    • I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.
      -- Rita Rudner
    • Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really. 
      -- Agnes Sligh Turnbull
    • Keep in mind ... to a dog you are family, to a cat you are staff.
      --Author Unknown


    Another site I subscribe to is called MyPoints. It’s kind of like a click-thru site that keeps an ongoing tally of points that you can accrue by ordering something online or printing coupons (with the coupon printer from Couponmom) or even researching other websites. 

    I ordered some things from Macy’s and Overstock for X-Mas presents, and just clicked to those sites from the MyPoints page and I got enough points for them to send me a $25 gift card to Macys! Ex/ An Overstock order (by way of MyPoints) will give you 10 points per dollar you spend. If you spend $100 at Overstock, you’ll get 1000 pts added to your MyPoints tally. I think my Macy’s gift card (you can pick from a large list of stores, restaurants, etc… to receive your bonus/giftcard) was about 3000 points? 

    It's actually pretty similar to credit card points or something… 

    I actually really enjoy this site. It's really fun to try and earn enough points to hit a certain goal, and its like an "added discount" if you know you're ordering something by way of that site, because you know that you will profit on the backend as well!

    Scissors Not Making the Cut?

    A great and easy way to sharpen your scissors is to get some aluminum foil, and fold it over a couple times. Then simply make a few cuts into the foil with your dull scissors and they're sharp again! 

    Spray Paint

    One thing I quickly learned, when browsing craft stores and home improvement stores, is that you can drastically alter pretty much ANYTHING with a can of spray paint (OR using other painting techniques, which I will cover in another post)  
    You can use crackle spray paint, chalkboard spray paint, you can paint any appliance with appliance paint, you can also turn anything into a metallic looking surface, stained surface, stone looking surface, etc... Possibilites are endless! Here's a couple websites for some popular spray paint brands: Plasti-kote, RustOleum

    Saturday, April 18, 2009

    Watch Movies In The Theater... At Home!

    Really cool website:
    You can watch any movie that you can imagine, including ones that are currently in the theater... online! Not sure how they do it, but it totally works!
    Go to the site, type in the movie title, and then it'll give you different versions of the movie that are rated by percentage, based on the quality (ie: 70% of people say this version works) 
    If you can, you can even download the movie and watch it on a flight/train/car ride or something. OR you can even burn a dvd with it! How fun is that??


    It's back, it's better than ever... and it's not just for your wall anymore!
    Wallpaper now comes in the coolest new textures and designs and its being used as so much more than a design for all 4 walls in your room.  You can use scraps to cover accessories, you can cover portions of furniture with it, you could paste it on a canvas or even frame it out and use it as art...OR, try using a cool pattern as a focal wall in your room and just painting the other walls with complementary colors. Possibilites are endless!

    Mad Men

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show! Definitely one of my faves!
    It's on AMC and the new season (season 3) starts this summer...
    It's a very realistic story based in the early 60's, around the advertising firm Sterling Cooper. Check out this Wikipedia desc. on the show:
    I actually discovered that they're running episodes from season 2 right now. You can check out the schedule at their website:
    I'd highly recommend renting season 1 and renting or watching season 2 so you can be ready for season 3 this summer. The show is amazing!

    Friday, April 17, 2009

    Workout Not Working Out?

    Try doing intervals. Burns more fat  & cals than running/walking/doing the same mundane thing, again and again. (If you run, do five minutes at a jog, and 3-5 minutes at a "brisk" run or sprint. Walking? Try a couple minutes of jogging here and there, or even incline your treadmill for a few minutes. Proof? Check out this article out from the NY Times:

    Hangers Giving You Lumps?

    Lizzie taught me this...
    You know how you get those lumps in the shoulders of certain shirts when you hang them up? Like you put your shirt on and it looks like you have mini shoulder pads on? (or some really weird shoulder disease...) :)
    Here's how to get rid of it... Get it damp and let it lay flat!
    How genius is that? TEAM LIZZIE!

    For All the Jetsetters...

    Great travel email that I get sent to me every Wednesday is from The Top 20 from Travelzoo. Not sure if you receive this, but it finds all the best & cheapest deals of the week, and emails them to you once a week. No spam, just the one email and they find the best deals! Be careful though, you may find yourself being inspired to take random trips... to random places...
    Here's the link! Sign up for the email, its great!

    You a Gold Digger?

    Gold is very valuable today! If you happen to have some extra pieces laying around, like an earring without a partner, or an unfixable necklace, or maybe even an item from someone you don't want to remember (in my case, Matt had an "extra wedding band" that he didn't need anymore) :) I'd recommend getting rid of it!
    If it is in good shape and you have all the necessary details, the best place to sell it would be online, because it still has value to it as a whole piece. If you aren't sure, I'd get it appraised, decide if you like the price or think you can sell it for more. Otherwise, there are some other options that are actually quite popular. 
    • You could have a "Gold Diggers Party"where you invite your girlfriends and their gold over and they can leave with the cash. I *believe* that if you host the party, you also get a percentage of the total value of gold sold. (haha... gold sold)
    • OR you can watch tv... there are commercials ALL the time about different companies setting up (most often at local area hotels- most secure) and you can head in there with your gold and walk out with cash. You can take anything you want, a single earring, a beat up ring, etc... they just melt it down anyways. This is actually what Matt and I did and it was a quick and easy experience. I believe my mom did the same and "banked" pretty nicely :)
    • Last but not least, there is always the local pawn shop or refinery! Here is a link to a refinery in Metro-Detroit that will take your "precious metals":


    "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being." 

    I am a very strong believer in gratitude. You'll hear me talk about it alot on this blog... 
    It is so important that we live our lives in gratitude because regardless of the situation, (or the person) there is always something to be grateful for. I actually have a gratitude journal that is both on paper and in my mind. Every night, before I go to bed I think of 5 things that I can be grateful for that day. Some days it is MUCH harder than others... but even something so simple as a kind gesture from a stranger needs to be recognized and appreciated. 
    The past few nights, my gratitude has been consumed with the positive response I've gotten from this blog. I can't tell you what it means to "expose yourself," (in a way) and to have it be received so graciously. I read the quote by Goethe (above) and it reminded me of you all... you've helped and encouraged me to realize things about myself that I didn't even know existed! So I just wanted to say "thanks!" 
    Hope you can continue to find some good stuff in here, and pass along to anyone you think might enjoy as well!

    HGTV Green Home

    Guess what?!? Today is day one for registering to win the HGTV Green Home! It's in Florida this year! Make sure you register everyday until June 5 to increase your chances!:

    Also, if you win (and I know you personally), you must share. 

    Thank You, 
    The Management

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Thursday, April 16, 2009

    Fun With Styrofoam!

    Looking for a cute, affordable idea for making your own wall art or decor? Try using Styrofoam as a base!
    It's really light, so you can hang it easily. It's also easy to cut and/or glue so the options for designing it are endless! Here is a link to some ideas from Michaels: Styrofoam Ideas
    Also, here is a pic of a styrofoam art piece that I made. I spray-painted the base green, then spray painted some wire mesh green and wrapped it around. I then stained 3 $1 pic frames and filled them with some cute designer paper and attached them to the front. The whole project probably cost me under $15! 

    Dirty Hair???

    I know this depends on the hair type, so I'm just offering this as a friendly suggestion! 
    BUT, I've been told by quite a few "beauty experts" that you are not supposed to wash your hair everyday! 
    Please recognize that I'm not saying "don't shower everyday"... def. not saying that :) (I wear my purple shower cap or I take a bath on my off days)
    Anyways, reason behind this philosophy is that shampoo supposedly strips your hair of its nutrients, it can also dry it out, AND for those of you that color, it strips the color much faster!
    I've also heard that if you think that your hair is too oily, thats actually because your hair is so dry that the oil glands are actually over producing, so you're actually better off not shampooing everyday. Make sense?
    Anyways, if you choose to try this out, here are a few options for you on your off days.. 
    If you have blond hair, you can try sprinkling a little cornstarch in the roots to soak up the oil and give a little volume. You can also try a couple "dry shampoo sprays" for any hair color, by Pssssst (yes, there are that many s's) If you are a "high roller" there is a great powder or spray by Bumble and Bumble, OR I have a friend of a friend who just sent me a sample of her own line! Its actually super cool and lasts a long time, so its acutally pretty affordable, and you can get it catered to whatever your hair color is! Here is the link for that:

    Magazine Overload?

    Got a magazine basket somewhere at home? So do I. I love my gossip mags, but I also have no prob throwing them away when I'm done reading them (unless they contain pics of certain male celebs that demand to be looked at repeatedly) JK... MATT! Anyways, I have a harder time getting rid of the magazines that have a great article or idea or something of value in it. I especially love magazines that are craft or home renovation related (shocking... I know) SO, here's how I cut back on the clutter. I have this cool lil cutter called an iSlice (I think its like $4?) and when I page through the magazine, I cut out the pages (at the seam) that have some good info. I then buy those plastic paper protector sheets (that you used to do reports in for school?) and stick either one page (if both sides are good) or 2 pages (if only one side of page is good) with the good page showing on each side, and I fill up a binder with them! Depending on the variety of reading material you have, you may want to get a couple binders and dedicate each to a topic of interest. Like, I have one for crafts and one for cool cardmaking ideas, and one for home improvement stuff. THEN if you ever need inspiration, you can just "hit up" your binder and get it!

    Go Green, Save $$$

    I'm sure these might be obvious to some people by now, but if you want to do TWO things to help the environment, and save $ at the same time... Change out your light bulbs and unplug your appliances. Change your light bulbs to the energy efficient ones. You can find them at any store, there's coupons for them all the time, and honestly? You *might* replace them once a year... if not once every 2-3 years... They last forever and will totally cut back your energy bill. They may seem more expensive up front, but it is SO worth it in the long run.
    Also, unplug your appliances! A lot of people don't realize that you are still using energy, even if the appliances/electronics aren't on... It helps to get one of those power cords with the on/off switches and just flip the switch before you go to bed at night. Saves money and helps the earth... How freakin awesome is that????
    Here is a website of other things you can do:

    Bored with your stuff? and Broke?

    I TOTALLY understand :) I showed you one way to "amp" up some old clothing (fix up old clothes)
    but there are so many other little things you can do to your clothing, furniture, even accessories!
    For example, look at an old cardigan, or even an old coat... maybe it has those plastic, generic buttons? Go to your local fabric store and check out their selection and switch them up! OR one thing I've done, is used some leafing paint (makes things look like metal) and painted over them! Actually looks really darn cute and makes the clothing look more expensive ;)
    Same for things like cabinets and dresser drawers. Go to the local hardware store, find some cute new handles and switch them out! It's as easy as unscrewing the back and replacing. Super easy. Or, take them off, mount them to a piece of cardboard and spray paint them! 
    Do you have all black appliances except for an old yellow fridge? Use some black appliance spray paint (found at any hardware store) and match it up! Tired of a lamp? Switch up the shade OR deck out the shade you already have with some ribbon or fabric or trim or even decoupage! No longer like the look of a chair/bench/couch? Change the pillows or paint it or even get new fabric and re-upholster it!
    Spend a little bit of time in your local hardware or craft store and just browse all of the products that are out there today. Its amazing all the cheap little changes you can make that will totally alter the look of your room, clothing, etc...