Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So those of you that know me, know that I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this series... 
Summer is coming up and if you're looking for a great book/series to dig into, (and you haven't read it yet...) I'd HIGHLY recommend Twilight. It is the most beautiful and addicting love story that I've read in a long long time... if not ever. 
The movie isn't bad either, (you can actually download Twilight at watch-movies.net,) but I'd definitely watch it after you've read at least the first book as it's not nearly as good as the first book. The new Twilight movie (New Moon) will be coming out this November!
Also, once you've started reading, check out the authors' website: www.stepheniemeyer.com, it is very interactive, giving details and explanations on each of the 4 books, and you can even read her unfinished book, "Edwards version" of Twilight (called Midnight Sun). (I'd read it after reading the series for sure)
Hope you enjoy! Please share comments, or let me know if you agree or disagree with me as I love to talk about this book!

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