Saturday, April 25, 2009


Here's a couple "natural" hangover cures!
  • For the nausea, try a technique stemming from acupuncture. Take 2-3 fingers to the underside of your wrist just below the top crease. Just below where the fingers end, use pressure on both arms, and the nausea should disappear within 10-30 seconds. You can also buy products to do this for you, called nausea bands. This is the one that I use:
  • Also, for the nausea, try ginger root! You can try it in a variety of forms, including tea, gum, or even frozen ginger ice chips!
  • For the headache, try magnesium (200-400 mg). It eases that painful throb. Also helpful to start taking it the night before as tends to work better if you use it to prevent hangovers.
  • Also, to prevent a hangover, (before you go to bed) try taking a B-50 Complex. Alcohol depletes the B vitamins that your body needs to break down alcohol. So by taking the vitamins, it will help with the metabolism process. 

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm - in need of following your own advice today???
