Business cards are no longer just for the "business professionals." You can use business/personalized cards now for a variety of reasons...
- You can make cards with your personal info on it (address, phone #, children's names, etc...) and stick it in your childs back pocket when you're out and about. That way, if the child gets lost, they can access the card and know how to get ahold of you.
- You can also just use a card w/ your personal info (and/or childrens info) on it to hand out to other mothers/friends. That way they know which child belongs to you, and how to reach you via phone or email.
- Looking for a job? A big trend now is the "resume card." A resume card is basically a brief summary of your work history, your specialty, and your contact information. It's a great thing to have on hand if you're in the job hunt and are at networking events, or even just socializing with friends.
- You can also use them to promote a specific hobby or talent that you have. Like, if you happen to be great at crafts or cooking, or even babysitting, you could put together a card that allows you to promote that talent!
- If you relocate, you can have business cards made up with your new address...
- You can make an "allergy/medication" card for your child to carry with them in their backpack/backpocket.
- You can make a permanent "gift card" ex/ "A Gift For You... Love, The Smith Family" to use with all of your gifts.
OR you could just go to Kinkos and have some made, or even make them yourself! You can buy the business card paper and print!