Saturday, April 18, 2009
Watch Movies In The Theater... At Home!
Mad Men

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show! Definitely one of my faves!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Workout Not Working Out?
Hangers Giving You Lumps?
For All the Jetsetters...
You a Gold Digger?
- You could have a "Gold Diggers Party"where you invite your girlfriends and their gold over and they can leave with the cash. I *believe* that if you host the party, you also get a percentage of the total value of gold sold. (haha... gold sold)
- OR you can watch tv... there are commercials ALL the time about different companies setting up (most often at local area hotels- most secure) and you can head in there with your gold and walk out with cash. You can take anything you want, a single earring, a beat up ring, etc... they just melt it down anyways. This is actually what Matt and I did and it was a quick and easy experience. I believe my mom did the same and "banked" pretty nicely :)
- Last but not least, there is always the local pawn shop or refinery! Here is a link to a refinery in Metro-Detroit that will take your "precious metals":
HGTV Green Home
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Fun With Styrofoam!
Dirty Hair???
Magazine Overload?
Got a magazine basket somewhere at home? So do I. I love my gossip mags, but I also have no prob throwing them away when I'm done reading them (unless they contain pics of certain male celebs that demand to be looked at repeatedly) JK... MATT! Anyways, I have a harder time getting rid of the magazines that have a great article or idea or something of value in it. I especially love magazines that are craft or home renovation related (shocking... I know) SO, here's how I cut back on the clutter. I have this cool lil cutter called an iSlice (I think its like $4?) and when I page through the magazine, I cut out the pages (at the seam) that have some good info. I then buy those plastic paper protector sheets (that you used to do reports in for school?) and stick either one page (if both sides are good) or 2 pages (if only one side of page is good) with the good page showing on each side, and I fill up a binder with them! Depending on the variety of reading material you have, you may want to get a couple binders and dedicate each to a topic of interest. Like, I have one for crafts and one for cool cardmaking ideas, and one for home improvement stuff. THEN if you ever need inspiration, you can just "hit up" your binder and get it!
Go Green, Save $$$
Bored with your stuff? and Broke?
Don't Chow... Especially Not Late Night!
Rewards Network
Eckhart Tolle
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Cute Little Gift Idea
Never underestimate the power of cutting and saving coupons. Get a cheap subscription to the Sunday paper, and spend ten minutes flipping through the coupons. I GUARANTEE that in every paper, you will find a MINIMUM of 5-10 coupons for things you buy on a regular basis. A great example is that I have coupons for 1-5 dollars off of any drugstore item I would regularly buy. Revlon will give coupons for $2 off any one of their products. I use Loreal face wash and never buy it w/o going when its on sale and taking a dollar off. I use Oil of Olay lotion and I always use a $3 coupon for that, and I love the Oil of Olay body wash and I just bought it on sale, and with an addition $1.50 off coupon. This is not to mention, you can always find a coupon for an extra dollar off your Tide, or your paper towels/toilet paper…I mean, these are coupons that come on a regular basis, every Sunday. I promise you will see a huge savings by taking a couple min a week to go through.
Also, if you want to get a little more serious about it, I’d recommend getting a coupon organizer that you can carry in your purse. That way, you can organize and store the coupons if you A. don’t need the product at the current moment, but will in like, a month, or B. If you want always carry it with you and, if you have the flexibility to do so, you can wait till its on sale and then you’ll have your coupon handy.
I have divided my coupon book down into certain categories so I can access them when I’m shopping to see what I have (ie: baking goods, frozen products, skin care, health, etc…)
Great website for coupon-users is They actually allow you to look up all the coupons that came out for your area, and they’ll break down what stores will be having those items on sale! (They also have the click through to the site) One more bonus of coupon mom is that , if you’re willing to download the coupon-printer (doesn’t affect/spam your computer at all) you can get a whole new slew of coupons to print off.
Google & Coupons
Great Quotes (books/plays)
- "For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
— William Shakespeare, Hamlet - "There are years that ask questions and years that answer." — Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
- "Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists."
— Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth - "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" — Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love
Additional Money Making Ideas
Maintaining a healthy Ph Balance
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Affordable "Gourmet" Date Idea
Great date (with girlfriends or significant other) is a place where you can pick and make your own meals, like Entrée Vous. Matt and I went there for Valentines Day and spent like $60 (you can even use a gift certificate for $10 off that particular one) and we walked away with 4 healthy meals to freeze and make later that week/month, side entrée and a dessert! AND we could bring a bottle of wine. It’s a ton of fun, very affordable and delicious!
Library Card
Fix up old clothes!!
I had an old "wife-beater" shirt that was too little and short so I cut off the bottom and added some cute spring fabric! I have absolutely no sewing know-how other than how to set up the machine and make the stitch. I just measured my waistline and went from there! The bottom shirt was a really old tank that I haven't worn in awhile, that I thought had potential! So I got a stencil, added some silver fabric paint, made a few cuts and voila! I will totally wear both of these shirts now! (well.. not RIGHT now.. a little cold in MI)
Eat for cheap!
Great website for those of you that dine out: You can buy a $25 gift certificate for a lot of local area restaurants for $10. Best time to visit site is the beginning of each month as that’s when they restock the gift certificates, and the more popular restaurants tend to sell out pretty quick. ALSO, there are other sites you can “click thru” to on that allows you to get the gift certificates for an additional percentage off. I use Most often, I can get a $25 coupon for like $3-$5?
Aaron Karo
Fatten your brain!
The 5 Love Languages
Google Chrome
I LOVE Google Chrome, it’s a great alternative to Internet Explorer. Much faster to use and all the same basic features as IE. Also, since most of use have our 5-10 “staple pages” we visit regularly, Google Chrome basically caters to that so all these pages are one click away. Hard to explain, but definitely check it out! Here's the link to find out more:
Bon Jovi
One of my fave love quotes
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides...
And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.
Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident...”
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin
I love this quote because I feel like it so accurately describes marriage. I know that I, as well as friends of mine struggle with the fact that married life is not like those first few years of dating... and we seek to consider the marriage as flawed because the "unconscious love" as I like to call it, is gone. I think that if people realized that NOBODY lives in that initial unconscious love on a permanent basis, a lot of marriages would be saved.
Job Sitch
So, I’m looking for a job right now, and I have been for about 4.5 months…I am the furthest thing from a "job search expert," HOWEVER, I have a
First and foremost, work your networks! Hands down, the best chance of at least getting an interview, is to know someone w/in the company. Don't be afraid to tap into your friends/family as a resource. You can also network w/ old colleagues, college alum, etc...
Make sure you post your resume on all the main sites (Monster, Career Builder, etc…) but LOOK for the jobs on Indeed or even Craigslist. You definitely need to comb through Craigslist, but if there are actually some pretty decent leads on there and you can bet that if you respond with a great cover letter, directly to the person, the odds are much better than on Monster, etc... Also, Indeed is great because once you type in what you need, it scans ALL the Career sites including many that you may have missed. Also, rather than apply through the career site, go directly to the page and try to find a name/email in hr or even of like a president or VP and email them your resume directly. Odds of you standing out are much higher. One more tip (thanks to one of my hottie girlfriends) is to find a way to set your resume apart from others visually. She attached a professional/looking picture of herself to the top of her cover letter. I’ve done the same, depending on the position, and I’ve actually gotten a pretty good response (again, it really depends on the position you’re applying for… the ones I sent in were for sales in the beauty industry). BUT you could also add a stab of color in tasteful manner, or add a cool font… Anything that will stand out-

Some family pics..
A little background...
Monday, April 13, 2009
So I guess I better tell you a bit about me...
Here goes:
I'm 28, live in a suburb of Detroit and, for a variety of reasons...(starting with MI's phenomenal economy and our "balmy" weather) I wish I could live anyplace else! My roots are so deep here though that I will probably be retired before that takes place :)
I have a hubby named Matt, who is my best friend and my world, two step-daughters, Hannah and Emma (9 and 7 respectively) and a cute little black lab mix named Lola.
I went to Michigan State and I am totally freaked out at how many years its been since I graduated (almost 7! Agh!) Regardless, I am a Sparty through and through. I must say, however since I was born in raised in the heart of UM, having season tickets all of my life to football and basketball games... I do bleed a little maize and blue :) I was a gymnast and for about 13 years of my life, and I *think* that is partly the reason why I am somewhat of a health nut today. I've got many many years of experience when it comes to what is good for you w/r/t your diet, and what is not. (You can find a lot of my findings and suggestions in my blog under the label "healthy living.")
I hope you enjoy my blogging and my "good stuff" As you'll begin to learn, life since college has been somewhat of a roller coaster ride... I am totally grateful for that roller coaster though because it has gotten me where I am today :)