Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sleep Issues?

Here are a few simple solutions for having less sleep related problems the following day:
  • Insomnia? Try some natural techniques... For example, did you know that cherries were really high in melatonin? Melatonin is the same hormone created by your body to regulate sleep patterns. Also, try taking a hot bath... that alone will relax you, however if you could put a little "lavender scented" bubble bath in the tub, you'll get some bonus points, as lavender is known to relax you. Also, try sleeping with a lavender scented eye mask, or even a pillow with a lavender scent to it (you can even buy lavender scented "linen sprays") I actually make my own sleep masks and put some flax seed and lavender in them, which definitely does the trick!
  • Stop the snoring! Try this, stick a tennis ball in a "sewn-in" pocket in the middle of your back. You will then avoid sleeping on your back due to the discomfort, and will wind up on your side, which will stop the noise!
  • Stiff neck? Try "contrast hydrotherapy" in the shower. Blast hot water on your neck for 20 seconds, then alternate to cold for 10 seconds. Do this 3 times, and when you get out of the shower, your body will send the blood back to your skin, resulting in a dilation of blood vessels (and a looser neck!)
  • Puffy eyes? Try black tea! It has tannins in it which help "deflate & tighten" those bags under your eyes. Heat up the tea bag (like you're making tea) to activate the tannins, then stick it in the fridge to cool . Then, stick the bags on your eyes for 10 mins. and voila! you've gotten rid of your puffy eyes!
  • Morning breath? Here's a long lasting solution- Try gargling with acidic lemon juice to kill the bacteria in your mouth, then eat some plain yogurt (a probiotic) which replaces the reeking bacteria and neutralizes your mouth. This lil trick should freshen your breath for about 12-24 hours!

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