Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Success Quotes

Here are some great success quotes for a little "midweek inspiration."

"Success is a state of mind. 
If you want success, start thinking 
of yourself as a success." 
Dr. Joyce Brothers

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, 
is not an act but a habit.


In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.
Author Unknown

You are never a loser until you quit trying.
Mike Ditka

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What To Do When Disaster Strikes

I got this from the Oprah website and I thought I'd share...
It's some great suggestions and thoughts on what to do when disaster strikes written by Amanda Ripley, the author for the book "The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes- And Why" 
(May make you think twice about taking that window seat...)

      1. We are almost always our own first responders because official help cannot arrive quickly enough.

2. People think that if you're in a plane crash you're doomed, but between 1983 and 2000, 56 percent of passengers in serious crashes lived. Those who have an aisle seat and read the air safety cards are the most likely to survive.

3. The biggest misconception about catastrophes is that people panic. More often, our reactions slow down, even stop. After the planes hit the
World Trade Center, hundreds of workers turned off their computers and cleaned up their desks. The average time before evacuating was six minutes. You have to move—and move quickly. 

4. People may be most afraid of terrorists and freak viruses, but fire, floods, and lightning are the disasters to prepare for—to practice for. 

5. Do every fire drill. Have the muscle memory of how to do things under extreme stress. 

Texting Some Love Your Way

I found this great site that will send you SMS messages (texts) on whatever topic interests you, whenever you want it to! It's

I always love getting some "random inspiration"... especially when I'm having a tougher than usual day. So, I get the "inspirational quotes" sent to me at 9AM every morning.
You could also get "diet tips" sent to you at around 11 or 12, right before lunch, so you think twice about your lunch choices. You could get daily weather alerts sent to you like an hour before you leave for work, so you make sure you're appropriately dressed...OR, if you're like my husband, and for some reason, you find baseball exciting (haha) you can get a text sent to you with MLB updates (if someone got traded or something)

Another cool thing you can do with this, if you don't necessarily want the daily text, is to use it as a resource. Once you sign up, (which solely involves registering your phone # with them) you can text virtually anything to their # (44636) and get a response. Like, if you are on the road and you need a phone number, text the business name and city to 44636 and they'll text you back with all the information you need. OR you can text them your astrological sign and they'll text you back with your daily horoscope! You can do this for every option (news, living well tips, weather, etc...) Might be kinda fun to do while sitting in a waiting room or something....

If you're so popular that you get too many texts already, than you can disregard this, but if not, I'd highly recommend at least checking it out. There isn't any spam and you don't get anything other than the text that you request. You can also cancel anytime-

Monday, May 11, 2009


Check out this site:
It donates 10 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program for answering a vocabulary question correctly! How fun is that? Its like a game, and you get smarter and feed the hungry all at the same time! Check it out!

Text Messaging Shortcuts

If you like texting (like I do) but you feel like you are in a foreign country with the SMS language that some people can use, check out some of these sites for TMS (Text Messaging Shortcuts):
I found these to be very helpful! (I may even try a few out on some of you...) 
At least now, if someone replies to me IHA (I hate abbreviations) or DWB (Don't write back)
I'll prevent myself from getting a reply saying IHU (I hate you) or URSAI (You are such an idiot) 
Which would be nice...

What Have You Given Today?

"As you give so shall you receive"
- St. Francis

Here is a great Q to ask yourself if things are not necessarily going your way:
"What have I given lately?" 

Feeling unloved? Have you been loving to others? 
Feeling unappreciated? Have you shown appreciation for others?
Feeling like you have no friends? Have you been a friend to others?

The basic philosophy is never wrong... "What you withhold from the world, the world will withhold from you." 

So, if you aren't seeing results in a particular situation, whether you choose to be honest with yourself or not, try asking yourself "what am I withholding, or not giving that have created these circumstances for me?"  If you think you're giving all you can, you obviously aren't. It is a basic law of the universe, there's no arguing with it... 

A great example is in your relationships. I know that when I'm not feeling appreciation from somebody, it's because I'm not showing it. So, when I think that my husband doesn't appreciate me, I ask myself, "when was the last time I HONESTLY showed appreciation for him?" There is ALWAYS something to appreciate, to love, to be thankful for. Find it, focus on it, apply it (from the goodness of your heart, insincerity and doing it for selfish reasons get you nowhere) and I guarantee things will turn around for you :) Happy Monday!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Not sure if you've ever heard of Ebates, but it is a great site if you do a lot of online shopping! It's basically online coupons and rebates that are always available, for over 1000 stores!
The way it works is really easy... You just click to whatever site you plan on ordering from, through the Ebates website ( and it gives you a percentage back (anywhere from 1%-20%) on each purchase! You don't have to give a credit card or anything!
Definitely worth it to check it out!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sentimental/Cute Idea

I save just about every card that was ever given or sent to me... If you are the same way, and you have a lot of sentimental cards or notes laying around, turn them into artwork!
You can either cut up the cards/notes and frame them, photocopy them and frame them, or even make some sort of a collage with them!
Either way, if you group a set together and hang them on the wall, it's a great way to display "personalized artwork" and it also allows you read some of your favorite notes everyday rather than store them away in a box somewhere!

(Ps. It's a great gift for Mothers Day...)


I officially took the Myers-Briggs Test  years and years ago... but I recently took an abbreviated version on my Facebook account! It is, hands down, the best personality test out there as far as the length it goes to, to describe your personality type. It is also very helpful in dealing with others, because if you understand what their personality type is, it helps you to understand why they act they way they do, and also how to better "relate" to them.
The real test is quite lengthy, and costs some moola to take, but here is the best "free online one" that I found: 
Here is another site which offers an extensive description on your particular personality type. It covers every aspect of your personality, including your career, relationships, love life, etc...
In case you were curious, I am an ENTJ :) If you take the test, leave a comment and let me know what your type is! (Also let me know how accurate you find it to be)
My type is an ENTJ :)

Swap Your Clothes!

If you're tired of your closet and looking to spruce it up, try doing a clothing swap!
You can host a "clothing swap party" where you have all your girlfriends (and their cute clothes) over, and you swap them up! Here is a great website for the "how-to" on hosting a party like that:
You can swap your clothes online! Here are some great websites to do so:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Personalized Calling "Cards"

Business cards are no longer just for the "business professionals." You can use business/personalized cards now for a variety of reasons... 
  • You can make cards with your personal info on it (address, phone #, children's names, etc...) and stick it in your childs back pocket when you're out and about. That way, if the child gets lost, they can access the card and know how to get ahold of you.
  • You can also just use a card w/ your personal info (and/or childrens info)  on it to hand out to other mothers/friends. That way they know which child belongs to you, and how to reach you via phone or email.
  • Looking for a job? A big trend now is the "resume card." A resume card is basically a brief summary of your work history, your specialty, and your contact information. It's a great thing to have on hand if you're in the job hunt and are at networking events, or even just socializing with friends.
  • You can also use them to promote a specific hobby or talent that you have. Like, if you happen to be great at crafts or cooking, or even babysitting, you could put together a card that allows you to promote that talent!
  • If you relocate, you can have business cards made up with your new address...
  • You can make an "allergy/medication" card for your child to carry with them in their backpack/backpocket.
  • You can make a permanent "gift card" ex/ "A Gift For You... Love, The Smith Family" to use with all of your gifts.

Here are a couple of websites to order your own cards at:
OR you could just go to Kinkos and have some made, or even make them yourself! You can buy the business card paper and print!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Something to Try!?!

If you're like me and you have a hard time waking up in the morning...
Try popping a "Wake Up On Time Energy Pill." I was just reading about it in a magazine while I was hanging out in a waiting room. It's a pill that you take before you go to bed, so you wake up feeling all revitalized and ready to take on the day! I honestly haven't tried it, but I have to admit that I'd be tempted :) Check it out: