Sunday, May 3, 2009


I officially took the Myers-Briggs Test  years and years ago... but I recently took an abbreviated version on my Facebook account! It is, hands down, the best personality test out there as far as the length it goes to, to describe your personality type. It is also very helpful in dealing with others, because if you understand what their personality type is, it helps you to understand why they act they way they do, and also how to better "relate" to them.
The real test is quite lengthy, and costs some moola to take, but here is the best "free online one" that I found: 
Here is another site which offers an extensive description on your particular personality type. It covers every aspect of your personality, including your career, relationships, love life, etc...
In case you were curious, I am an ENTJ :) If you take the test, leave a comment and let me know what your type is! (Also let me know how accurate you find it to be)
My type is an ENTJ :)

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